There Is No Good Reason For War
As stated in the newsletter August 2002, the feng shui
astrology describes the event of war. The fact that we
are not
currently engaged in a world-wide war is a testament to
the elevating
spirituality of the planet. However, certain factions
seem determined
to engage combat. Do not be drawn into the information
of anger and
fear. There is an alternative to emotional reaction.
There is no good reason for war. THERE IS NO GOOD
There are reasons, but there are no good reasons. Just
as there are
reasons for murder, rape, environmental
interpersonal discourteousness/disrespect, yet THERE
REASONS for these.
And there are no good reasons to avenge these.
The desire for war is a fear-based response
not to
injustice, but to a
loss of control. When a person's behavior is
inappropriate/unpredictable, the superficial response is
anger, but the
true underlying emotion is fear fear of not being
having a safe, consistent environment. So what appears
to be an
anger-based response to injustice (vengeance) is in
reality a fear-based
response to instability. If you create your own stability
and do not
depend on the illusion of it from outside sources, the
response is removed.
The propaganda to support war is merely a larger
scale version of this.
By removing emotionalism from the equation, by being an
entity of
harmony and balance unto yourself, clarity predominates
and action does
not need to be "reaction".
What then must we do? I will not speak of justice.
Justice is an
excuse. Black and white cannot encompass justice.
Three dimensions
cannot encompass justice. Leave justice to the infinite
and leave
reaction to the petty. Let us talk of harmony.
The Amish (and other cultures) have the concept of
"shunning" (which has
received poor press from the media and I will not here
individual cases). If a person exhibits behavior which is
not conducive
to the harmony of the group, he is not persecuted or
prosecuted, but
shunned. There is no intercourse with him.
If a country as a whole could shun other countries
whose behavior is
disharmonious this would be a powerful action.
If there
was no
commerce with such nations, and no commerce with any
nation which does
have a relationship with such nations, this would be a
powerful action.
No communication, no aid, no travel (to or from), NO
countries whose behavior is disharmonious and
none of
these with
nations who do have commerce with such countries.
This would be a
powerful action.
There would be hardship. But is it a greater hardship
than war? Is it
greater hardship in physical terms? In spiritual terms?
Where is the
honesty of values? There is no good reason for
May the products and services from the network bring
you to a place of harmony. May grace and peace and
joy reign on earth.