. April 2004  
A Month of Physical Blossoming  

In this Issue...


Welcome to a network of websites grounded in the philosophy that spiritual consciousness infuses and informs all physical substance.

The world and everything in it is created of light and grace and exists in every moment complete and perfect.

Align yourself with that perfection and reveal your own true grace and light.

  A Network of Blessings




5 pm

$10 per session

The Blessings Center

1310 Carmona
Los Angeles

Between Fairfax and La Brea, Between San Vicente and Pico




in the presence of the poet,
all is poetry;
in the presence of the lover,
all is love.

come to the banquet hungry
and ready to dance.

there is no sound
but music and singing;
there is no life
but celebration and gratitude.

has your invitation been misplaced?
have your ears been plugged?

you cannot remain dry
in the pool of devotion;
you cannot remain rigid
in the wind of the divine.

come to the celebration-feast hungry
and with dance in your heart.



The botanical magic of the Earth is exploding everywhere in great color. April is not the cruelest month but the time of hope and renewal; it is the time of physical rejuvenation.

In honor of the great botanical wonder on display in our lives, all blessthebody.com herbal remedies will be on sale. Make a commitment to your own continued, physical blossoming with use of these remedies.

As we approach Easter, remember the Resurrection.


The effect of time on the physical body does not need to be negative. Healthy chemistry in the body results in healthy functioning, both physically and mentally.

blessthebody.com herbal remedy, Resurrection, encourages the healthy balance of body chemistry and stimulates the natural production of human growth hormone. Used as a tonic, it rejuvenates and revitalizes the physical body safely/ naturally so the effect of time is not degenerative.

Combine with blessthebody.com Bright Brain, Chakra Tonic, and White Light for serious rejuvenation.

As the flowers of the field open, let the flower of your heart open. Instead of misery, have Love of Life.

Love of Life

The physical heart is at the center of the physical body and the blood vessels carry the energy of the heart through every system of the body. Thus, if there is an imbalance in the heart, there will be an imbalance throughout the entire body.

blessthebody.com Love of Life is an herbal combination which stimulates the correct functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It increases the energy in the brain and genitals and warms the extremities.

This combination contains niacin so you may flush — do not be alarmed — it is beneficial. Take with food to avoid discomfort.

Begin using one capsule per day and gradually increase to five or more, or consult with your natural health practitioner for dosage.

Combine with blessthebody.com Resurrection for deep rejuvenation.

Now that the mantle of Winter has lifted, get yourself into the Sunshine.


Parasites and funguses are at the exogenous root of most physical dis-ease. Recent research by Hulda Clark confirms this but the idea originated in the Middle Ages with Hildegaard van Bingen. Removal of destructive parasites and fungi from the physical body is crucial for longevity and quality-of-life.

blessthebody.com Sunshine is a general, non-traumatic, parasite/fungus cleanse. It is highly recommended to anyone with digestive disorders, fatigue (both physical and mental), and skin abnormalities; but can be used against ANY DISEASE (especially cancer, according to Hulda Clark).

Take five herbal capsules a day for a month. Then take acidophilus for two weeks. Then return to five capsules of Sunshine a day for another month. Repeat as needed. Combine with blessthebody.com Love of Life herbal remedy for deeper cleansing. Combine with Radiation Cleanse, Bright Immunity, Aura Spritz, White Light as needed.


Spring is the stimulating time of year. The Feng Shui Astrology for this Year of the Monkey 2004 suggests stimulating the North sector of your home to increase prosperity; the North West sector for divine help; and the North East sector for great good luck. One of the best "stimulators" is the hanging prism.

The use of shiny objects has a long history in feng shui. Often, the feng shui of a particular sector is not architecturally or elementally problematic, but the chi is stagnant, One of the best feng shui cures to stimulate chi is the prism.

If you want to stimulate wealth chi, hang a ball prism in the back left corner of the home.

If you want to stimulate romance chi, hang a heart prism in the back right corner of the home.

If you want to stimulate health chi, hang a Great Cure Prism half-way up the left side of your home.

Prisms are also excellent for re-directing leaking chi and dispersing harsh chi. They are more effective than red tassels in doorways and windows and can be refined by using with blessthehome.com Blessing Tags.

blessthehome.com prisms are fine Austrian crystal and pre-strung for convenient placement.

Clear Ball Prism
General treatment. Makes rainbows. Great in Fame and Wealth sectors as well as all others.

Red Heart Prism
Stimulates romance; physical love.

Green Heart Prism
Stimulates spiritual, etheric love — a deeper connection.

It is best to hang heart prisms in pairs, one color at a time.

Great Cure Prism
For most difficult situations — can be used in any sector. Unblocks karma and balances energy.

Be careful hanging any prisms in bedrooms situated in the west, southwest, south — it may be too stimulating to allow sleep.

Remaining Grounded

This Chinese Year of the Monkey 2004 suggests that forces deep in the Earth will topple an ancient wood structure. The phenomena of earthquakes pertain spiritually to frustration and desperation. During this time of Spring stimulation, it is important not to get "over-stimulated" — physical phenomena (such as weather or earthquakes) are co-created with the community where it manifests (and the planet as a whole) and a life out-of-balance will contribute to an Earth disaster.

To remain grounded during stimulating times, use blessthebody.com Silver Light. As an offering to the Earth that physical disaster not create karma, spray your front door once a week with blessthebody.com Radiation Cleanse, Chakra Tonic,and E-motion Potion; and sprinkle cinnamon in the garden. Energy initiated now will have effects later in the cycle.

Silver Light

Hysteria, frenzy, and spacey-ness are antithetical to being productive and manifesting a glorious present and future. Anxiety/nervousness prevents you from being your authentic self.

Silver Light grounds you into the physical world and calms you in your physical life. It contracts your energy so you are not dispersed. This results in the ability to maintain focus. It is excellent for students, meditators, actors, councilors, and any detail-oriented work. Combine with blessthebody.com Bright Brain for deeper effects.

"May the long time sun shine upon you/ all love surround you/ and the pure light within you/ guide your way on."

Bless the World!

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