. August 2005  
Balancing Masculine Energy  

In this Issue...


Welcome to a network of websites grounded in the philosophy that spiritual consciousness infuses and informs all physical substance.

The world and everything in it is created of light and grace and exists in every moment complete and perfect.

Align yourself with that perfection and reveal your own true grace and light.

  A Network of Blessings




5 pm

$10 per session

The Blessings Center

1310 Carmona
Los Angeles

Between Fairfax and La Brea,

Between San Vicente and Pico




I draw a card
from the heart of the deck
and hold it to my heart.
the two of cups,
the card of communion:
one cup in heaven
eternally pours the wine,
the other on earth
pours it back again.

we are always giving and receiving
you and I~
we are each other's fulfillment.

I know this rain
that fills the garden
is your cup blessing mine.

I see it today
but it is always there.


This month, the planet Mars will be in its closest proximity to the planet Earth in recorded history ~ possibly in 60,000 years. It will be visible in the night sky as spectacular as the full moon.

The planet Mars pertains to war, anger, hostility; the masculine energy of love, protection, and providing. It is currently in the sign of Taurus (bullheadedness).

The planet Mercury ~ pertaining to the masculine energy of commerce, technology, communication, transportation ~ is retrograde in the sign of Leo (loud, arrogant) until August 15.

The planet Saturn has moved after 2 years from the sign of Cancer to the sign of Leo. Saturn is the harsh disciplinarian and the worker of karma. When Saturn's authority is focused on you, life-situations seem unreasonable and intolerable, to say the least.

The male energy within each person and in each person's life will be spotlighted and challenged this month. Silver Light and Green Light are recommended for balancing these energies. Karma Cleanse will help if you are not overwhelmed. It is also suggested you continue, resume, or begin your five-second-a-day prayer for world peace. The planet is in a volatile position at this time.

The approach of this Western astrology may contribute to the manifestation of conflict in your life. According to Feng Shui astrology, it is highly recommended to burn candles continuously in the Southeast sector of your home to combat the negativity of these aspects. Nine red candles are needed for severe circumstances.


The best Spiritual Remedy for heat intolerance, sunstroke, sunburn, etcetera, is Radiation Cleanse. Combine it with First Aid for trauma, Chakra Tonic for adapting, and Silver Light for relaxing and the Summer heat (and Summer astrology) will be easier on you.

eating God

The new book, eating God, is now assigned its ISBN number and its release is approved to booksellers. If your local bookstore does not have it, please request it ordered. It may take a couple weeks for distribution lists to update ~ providing your bookseller with the ISBN number (1-4116-3533-7) will help.

(Note: I will teach meditation class and sign books at Studio 12 in Berkeley on Thursday, August 11 beginning at noon ~ see website for details.)

Thank you to everyone who emailed kind words and appreciation for the book.

E-motion Potion

Incomplete expression of any emotion results in physical-life and spiritual-life inertia. The three basic negative emotions (fear/anxiety, anger/resentment, grief/disappointment) initiate this inertia. E-motion Potion stimulates the emotional body to release suppressed experiences liberating the psyche by completion of their expression. Depending upon your karma, not all experiences must be worked out overtly.

This is an important remedy for anyone undergoing psychological counseling, 12-step therapy, or any regression work. It is also important for people evolving from child abuse, both physical and emotional. But do not think this is a remedy for extreme cases ~ it can act with subtlety when subtlety is required.

It is common that people experience an "un-winding" ~ an emotional process which begins with depression, then moves into hostility, then nervousness ~ as a way of rooting out the origin of the problem. Do not be alarmed; it is a natural process to your clearer self. Combine with First Aid if the emotional process becomes too overwhelming.


The use of shiny objects has a long history in feng shui. Often, the feng shui of a particular sector is not architecturally or elementally problematic, but the chi is stagnant. One of the best feng shui cures to stimulate chi is the prism.

If you want to stimulate wealth chi, hang a ball prism in the back left corner of the home.

If you want to stimulate romance chi, hang a heart prism in the back right corner of the home.

If you want to stimulate health chi, hang a Great Cure Prism half-way up the left side of your home.

Prisms are also excellent for re-directing leaking chi and dispersing harsh chi. They are more effective than red tassels in doorways and windows and can be refined by using with Blessing Tags. prisms are fine Austrian crystal and pre-strung for convenient placement.

Clear Ball Prism
General treatment. Makes rainbows. Great in Fame and Wealth sectors as well as all others.

Red Heart Prism
Stimulates romance; physical love.

Green Heart Prism
Stimulates spiritual, etheric love ~ a deeper connection.

It is best to hang heart prisms in pairs, one color at a time.

Great Cure Prism
For most difficult situations ~ can be used in any sector. Unblocks karma and balances energy.

Be careful hanging any prisms in bedrooms situated in the west, southwest, south ~ it may be too stimulating to allow sleep.

May the blessings of the universe manifest in your life. Thank you for being a part of the community.

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