. September 2005  
It's Easy Being Green  

In this Issue...


Welcome to a network of websites grounded in the philosophy that spiritual consciousness infuses and informs all physical substance.

The world and everything in it is created of light and grace and exists in every moment complete and perfect.

Align yourself with that perfection and reveal your own true grace and light.

  A Network of Blessings




5 pm

$10 per session

The Blessings Center

1310 Carmona
Los Angeles

Between Fairfax and La Brea,

Between San Vicente and Pico




if it is not a love poem,
it is not a poem;
if it not love,
it is not poetry.

love is the only language,
the only communication;
love is only the reality,
the only true life.

words cannot express
what the heart truly intends;
song cannot express
how the soul truly delights.

poems are a poor facsimile
of longing for God
but like a lock of golden hair
tied with a ribbon,
they remind of the truth
no words can convey.


Happy Autumnal Equinox!

The theme of this newsletter is "green" ~ it's easy being green!

The color green is used for healing in the realms of the physical/etheric, the emotional/mental, the charkas/auras, and all the spiritual realms, both of this current life and transcending it.

The color green is harmonizing and unblocks situations where harmony and healing have been thwarted.

While romance belongs to the color pink, love and the heart chakra belong to the color green. Thus, the "love" that heals all is the color green itself.

The entire universe is animated by the colors green and white ~ green is the color of God and white is the color of the life-force of God. Thus, God and love become synonymous and white and life become synonymous. When you sign yourself "love and light" you are invoking the powers of the entire universe.

One of the most effective healing treatments is to lie in the green grass beneath a large tree next to a clean, bubbling river. The sunlight through the leaves of the tree washes you with green energy; the river flowing past washes you with white energy. The song of the birds and the bees takes on a new meaning...

Dis-ease is merely dis-harmony. The elements of disharmony are strong this month ~ be aggressive about achieving/maintaining balance in every aspect of your life. Sit in the garden; take meditation class; read poetry.

Remember: harmony is a relationship ~ it is not just you living in this world. Disharmony is selfishness. Take some time this month to interact with those around you in a very grounded, non-judgmental, "green" way and find yourself in the steps to deeper love and harmony in your life.

Remember to pray five seconds a day for world peace. It only takes moments to move mountains.

The blessthebody.com Spiritual Remedies which contain the color green include Chakra Tonic, Green Light, and Grace and Peace and Joy. Love Light and White Light amplify the effects of these.

Green Light

Dis-harmony is the basis of dis-ease. Imbalance is the basis of trauma. Health on the physical, emotional/ mental, spiritual levels is based on harmony and balance.

blessthebody.com Green Light is the great harmonizer. It works internally/ externally; personally/inter-personally. It balances any condition/situation. blessthebody.com Green Light affects both the present and the future, thus it is a great preventer of dis-ease on any level and in any realm. It is a very important remedy for anyone wishing to transition to a more peaceful future.

Green Light is excellent for healers, politicians/ diplomats, contract negotiators, care-givers, large families, anyone over-worked or who abuses his health. It is important during legal battles.

Green Light is a prayer that our mis-spent past may not be the basis of our future. Green Light is a prayer for universal peace. Liberal use of blessthebody.com Green Light will reward you many times over.

Love Light

The basic activity of the universe is love.

Any disharmony in your self, your home, your life; any disharmony in your community, your country, your planet ~ is a situation where the basic, natural activity of the universe is blocked. (If you do not understand this statement, re-read it substituting the word "god" or your equivalent for the word "universe".)

Every activity on any level is either "loving" or "loveless" ~ from cellular (cancer) to planetary (pollution). Every inter-action on any level is either "loving" or "loveless" ~ from familial (abuse) to planetary (war).

blessthebody.com Love Light is the experience of love in a bottle. It infuses your self, your home, your life (both actions and inter-actions) with love. It infuses your community, your country, your planet (both actions and inter-actions) with love.

Unblock yourself to the basic, natural activity of the universe and do your part to bless the world.

Love heals all wounds.

Love dissolves all barriers.

And love shall set you free.

Grace and Peace and Joy

This remedy opens your life to the greatest qualities of grace and peace and joy in the world. It makes of your life a deep meditation that spreads itself to the edges of the universe. Use this remedy when you are finally serious about turning your life over to God.


Last month, the blesstheworld.com newsletter stated that Planet Mars was to be its closest to Earth between the months of August and September. While Mars is approaching its proximity to Earth, its closest point will be next month, in October, and so the energies of conflict continue to increase... (see the blesstheworld.com August 2005 newsletter for information regarding conflict.)

In this Chinese Year of the Rooster 2005, the feng shui remedy for conflict is to burn candles in the South East sector of the home ~ nine candles for extreme cases. However, the energies for conflict are so strong this month, if you are mentally unbalanced, the possibility of accidental fire is real. Replace your candles with red prisms, red cloth, or a red Buddha. If you are able to maintain mental balance and groundedness, burn your candles as much as possible to alleviate difficulty.

Ritual Candles

Fire is one of the basic elements/building blocks of the universe and the use of fire in real magic and ritual dates back to pre-history. Fire is symbolic of cleansing/preparation, completion/re-birth, and devotion. It is used as a continuous, daily, and occasional element in feng shui, magic, and rituals both conventional and esoteric the world over.

Be sure all candles say "100% beeswax, soy or vegetable wax" - otherwise they pollute the environment and contribute to serious health problems such as brain tumors, lung cancer, miscarriage/abortion. Never burn regular candles in the home of a child with asthma/allergies.

blessthehome.com Ritual Candles are 100% white soybean wax and unscented for the very sensitive.

All candles are completely natural (wax, color, aroma) with cotton wicks and are prepared in recyclable glass for your safety and peace-of-mind.

To enhance fire blessings, always hold a specific intention in your mind and heart while lighting the candle.

eating God

The new book of ecstatic poetry, eating God, is now available from Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble (bn.com), and Borders.com as well as the blesstheworld.com website and your local bookseller. To view the beautiful press release for eating God, click the link to the left. Channeled material from the last two years suggested the importance of reading poetry to ease the spiritual transition of the years leading up to 2012. If you have not yet gotten your copy of eating God, order it now and help yourself into the new millennium and the Age of Aquarius.


The Autumnal Equinox Workshop at The Blessings Center Los Angeles is Wednesday, September 21, at 7pm. Get yourself in sync with the planet and your life will be in sync with the universe. Click the link to the left for details.

Please note: There will be no meditation class on Septemeber 18th.

There are also links to the left for:

  • Trip to India
  • Laguna Beach Cleansing Retreat

Wrap yourself in the energy of God. Step into a bath of deep, deep harmony. Let the greenness of the universe lift the quality of your life to heaven. And maybe eat a salad once in awhile.

May the products and information from blesstheworld.com bring you grace and peace and joy.

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