. January 2007  
Manifesting Blessings in the New Year  

In this Issue...


Welcome to a network of websites grounded in the philosophy that spiritual consciousness infuses and informs all physical substance.

The world and everything in it is created of light and grace and exists in every moment complete and perfect.

Align yourself with that perfection and reveal your own true grace and light.

  A Network of Blessings




5 pm

$15 per session

The Blessings Center

1310 Carmona
Los Angeles

Between Fairfax and La Brea,

Between San Vicente and Pico




The value of a container
is the emptiness it offers.

you may think
the cup of my heart
is half-full of tears
or half-empty of tears
but it is full
and overflowing with God.

there are tears
in the cup of my heart,
there are petals
fresh as the moment they fell
but the fullness,
the flowering of my heart
is God.

tears and songs
and summer gardens
are merely the empty container
of my life~
the real treasure
is embraced in the emptiness.

Happy New Year!

I am foreseeing a year of wonderful transitions, bounty, and the arrival of long-awaited blessings. May each and every one of us manifest the best this time has to offer!

I am, however, concerned about violence. We are going through a series of years of releasing deep-seated karma and the possibility of (what appears to be) a surprise attack or accident may manifest this year. Remaining grounded and loving can transcend or mitigate the need to manifest dramatic events. Meditation is essential.

blessthebody.com Remedies For Peace and Harmony

Chakra Tonic
Silver Light
Green Light
Love Light
Grace and Peace and Joy

blessthebody.com Remedies to Release Karma

Chakra Tonic
Aura Spritz
Karma Cleanse
E-motion Potion
Implant Cleanse

Green Light

Dis-harmony is the basis of dis-ease. Imbalance is the basis of trauma. Health on the physical, emotional/mental, spiritual levels is based on harmony and balance.

blessthebody.com Green Light is the great harmonizer. It works internally/externally; personally/inter-personally. It balances any condition/situation. blessthebody.com Green Light affects both the present and the future, thus it is a great preventer of dis-ease on any level and in any realm. It is a very important remedy for anyone wishing to transition to a more peaceful future.

Green Light is excellent for healers, politicians/diplomats, contract negotiators, care-givers, large families, anyone over-worked or who abuses his health. It is important during legal battles.

Green Light is a prayer that our mis-spent past may not be the basis of our future. Green Light is a prayer for universal peace. Liberal use of blessthebody.com Green Light will reward you many times over.

Karma Cleanse

Karma is the result of choices made during life experiences. Replication of poor choices creates karmic patterns which inhibit the fruition of joy in life. blessthebody.com Karma Cleanse removes patterns which block the easy flow of universal energy through you. It can be considered "White-Tantric-Yoga-in-a-bottle".

blessthebody.com Karma Cleanse removes the blockages to prosperity; intimacy; vitality. It removes mental and emotional blockages. It removes the blockages to spirituality. Karma Cleanse removes childhood patterns that do not serve your highest good; past-life patterns that do not serve your highest good. It removes spiritual patterns that do not serve your highest good.

blessthebody.com Karma Cleanse is definitely the "change-your-life" remedy. Combine with E-motion Potion for a dynamic one-two punch.

What Have You Done Today to Save the World?

With the coming year, it is traditional to take vows of discipline ~ New Year's resolutions! May I make the suggestion to take the vow to stop war? Stop conflict within yourself, your life, your family; work to end conflict in the world. Work in small ways; work in big ways... work to heal yourself and the planet.

Those who have posted even the small versions of the peace posters (downloaded free from the website) have reported wonderful responses and deepened their bonds in the community. Weather is taking its toll on the third six-foot poster on the front of my house and will soon be replaced but neighbors have said they used it as an opportunity to talk to their children about war. If you don't stand for something, you don't stand for anything. Make the choice to stand for something greater than yourself and the benefits will be lasting.

If you prefer to wear your wisdom on your sleeve (or on your chest), the Peace Shirts are an original and artistic statement. They come in various styles for men, women, and children and are made from comfortable cotton. Can your whole family make the commitment to working for peace? The work you do today will bless you and those you love both now and in the future.


You are receiving this newsletter because you recognize you are a spiritual being having a human experience. People with a spiritual emphasis in their lives often feel alienated in the mundane world. We can feel like misfits, unconnected...

My new book, Child Harold at the Zoo, is the hilarious story of a boy trying to find his way in the "normal" world. He learns about identity and comradeship and how to have a relationship with the utter absurdity of life. It is highly recommended for anyone who is alive and on this planet. If you aren't sure if that applies to you, read it anyway. ($6.99)

My next book, Soundtracks for Film (available January 1, 2007 ~ hurrah!), is a compilation of two esoteric voice-plays about communication and relationships. If you have ever said the wrong thing to someone you care about; if someone you care about has ever not responded in the way you needed ~ this book is for you. Read it a dozen times. Read it with your partner another dozen times. If you are hoping to acquire a partner, read it a couple dozen more. You only have to buy it once! ($6.99)

All of my books create changes in the brain and become more and more resonant with each reading. In lieu of consistent meditation, read my books. In times of crisis, read my books. As an aid to spiritual progress and the release of karma, read my books.

And just as a reminder, eating God is expanded twenty pages and is now available in its final corrected and updated version. You definitely need to read this one. Your life will change. The reviews have been outstanding. ($11.99)

Order all three from the website and save money on shipping.

Feng Shui

I'm sure by now you have heard of the benefits of the feng shui principle of clearing clutter from your home and your life. Old paperwork, unworn clothes, unused gifts can be recycled in various ways to allow fresh chi to circulate throughout the architecture and allow fresh blessings to circulate throughout your life. If you want to bring something new into your life, get rid of something (or many things) old. If you want things to change in your life, change things in your home.

But there is more to feng shui than getting rid of old magazines. There is more to feng shui than moving the sofa. Once you have made room for new blessings in your life, what blessings will you manifest?

The power of art is glorious. It is more than decoration, more than therapy. The power of art is that it speaks to the psyche, it speaks to the soul. Once you have cleaned the stale energy from your home and your life, take a look at the images around you. Is your artwork setting up a vibration of illness, divorce, poverty?

One client with a weight problem had an English pastoral scene in the dining room ~ cows grazing all day... one client with relationship problems had a crucifix hanging over the bed ~ always a martyr in the boudoir... and one client with problems conceiving had antique Italian putti (baby angels) with missing arms and legs placed in the children sector of the feng shui...The power of images, the glorious power of artwork affects your life on many subtle levels.

Take a look at the artwork with which you have chosen to surround yourself. Since I am concerned with violence for the coming year, do you have images that would contribute to manifesting it? Are there images of anger?

Monks and holy men are images of poverty and being single. Many modern images are psychotic or even nightmarish, contributing to mental instability. Classical art often has images of subservience or racism contributing to self-esteem issues. Use a new eye to select artwork for your home. Instead of choosing images which depress your soul and deplete your life, choose images which elevate your circumstances. Choose artwork which enriches your humanness and the human experience. Choose the deeper beauty and beauty will set you free.

The Astrological Feng Shui Workshop for the Chinese New Year is Sunday, February 11 at the Blessings Center Los Angeles. Mark your calendar and reserve your space now.

by the door
a bowl of tangerines

in the yard
firecrackers sparkling

paper banners wave with optimism

happy new year, house!
happy new year, nation!

blesstheworld.com wishes each and every one of you an amazing, delightful, happy New Year full of grace. Spread the joy to everyone you know.

spiritual questions:
technical questions: