April is the month of fools, of lovers, of taxpayers. Sometimes we are all three.
The feng shui is giving us two strong months of romance. It is also giving us two strong months of death. Love and death, death and taxes. Don’t be a fool! Remain grounded in all endeavors at this time.
The has added new t shirts. And some of them are not political! It is time to wear something that means something, time to be something that means something. Remain meaningful in all endeavors at this time.
Books and Sprays
Technology is causing as many problems as it alleviates. Or so it seems. Communication capabilities and information access are greater than ever but technology has transformed society into an ignorant and disconnected world community. Connect in all endeavors at this time.
Read the chapbook, conversations, to understand connections.
Use the Spiritual Remedy, Radiation Cleanse, to disconnect from the vibrational negativity of technology.
Remain connected, meaningful, and grounded in all endeavors at this time.
Thank you for your love and support.