Manifesto of the New American Revolution
There shall be neither new laws enacted nor existing laws enforced that do not support or engender the well-being of the American people.
There shall be neither new laws enacted nor existing laws enforced that limit or inhibit the well-being of the American people.
These tenets apply equally to individuals and groups of every race, gender, orientation, creed, and society and shall not be used against any individual or group by or for any individual or group.
All races and mixed races require equal treatment under the law.
All men, women, and non-binary genders require equal treatment under the law.
All sexual orientations including, but not limited to, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intergender, and heterosexual orientations require equal treatment under the law.
All philosophical and religious creeds require equal treatment under the law.
All social classes require equal treatment under the law.
Each and every law of the land is required at its heart and spirit and in its action to support the well-being of the American people, both as individuals and groups.
The tenets of Section 1 apply also to the Earth, the land of the United States of America and its territories, in every aspect, including, but not limited to, the soil, the water, and the air.
The tenets of Section 1 apply also to the animals of America including, but not limited to, creatures domestic, commercial, and wild.
There shall be neither new laws enacted nor existing laws enforced that apply to an individual or group separate from the general public. There shall be neither new laws enacted nor existing laws enforced that favor an individual or group over the general public.
There shall be no individual or group outside the law.
The tenets of Section 1 apply also to the presence of America abroad including, but not limited to, diplomatic, military, and commercial presence.
The presence of America abroad shall neither limit nor inhibit the well-being of the general population of the host country.
The presence of America abroad shall neither limit nor inhibit the well-being of the Earth or any aspect of its natural resources within the host country. The presence of America abroad shall neither limit nor inhibit the well-being of the animal population of the host country.
There shall be no profit-taking in the venues of government, healthcare, or education including, but not limited to, private prisons, prescription medicine, or student loans. There shall be no financial incentive involved with government, healthcare, or education including, but not limited to, lobbying and political donations, suppression or distortion of scientific research, or institutional admittance or evaluation. Monetary gain in the venues of government, healthcare, and education shall neither limit nor inhibit the well-being of the American people.
There shall be no deceit, propaganda, nor hidden information perpetrated on the American people by the government or any information medium. Truth and transparency in government and news are the right of the American people.
Roy Anthony Shabla 2018